Let’s make a tiny retreat. The development itself appeared at the beginning of the XX century. It was invented by the famous painter Tiffany, Yankees of Italian origin, a descendant of a better well -known jeweler. In general, the surname Tiffany is well known in the world of art. Thus, Tiffany stained glass was born at the junction of jewelry and painting. Before him, there was a so -called ordinary stained glass window, which we can now see in the temples of Europe. It is distinguished by fairly strict stripes, the monumentality of the scale. The development of «Tiffany», on the contrary, allows you to do a narrow study of details. Stained glass windows can be collected as the smallest mosaic, creating a very narrow graphics.
But the value of the Tiffany stained glass is not only in his beauty. This is an art that is in constant development, it is able to adapt to modern trends, including actual trends in interior design. This development is closer to the interior than a regular stained glass. Tiffany stained glass is one of the objects of art that can be in a person’s home. What can decorate our house? Painting, graphics, sculpture, batik… And the stained -glass window was also and remains at the moment one of the attributes of the interior.
Tiffany stained glass is its own kind of luxury item. As a jewel adorns a person, so the stained -glass windows adorns at least any room, in which it appears. It is needed by people who understand that their home can and should be enriched with the help of such interesting parts.
Game of light and color
What is the main pretty power of the Tiffany stained glass? Naturally, a complex game of color and light. The penetration of light through glass of various colors and textures gives rise to very unusual compositions that cannot be seen using ordinary colors on the canvas. Even under the direct rays of light that come from the viewer, we will not be able to see the stained glass «in all the splendor». The light should go due to the plane of the stained glass, as if from the inside.
Lighting has a greater effect on the perception of stained glass. When the stained glass window is located on the facade (window or door clearance), then nature itself acts as a “light engineer”. In other cases, it is very important to highlight the stained glass. For example, when developing a panel, a special niche is made in the wall, in which the backlight is located.
Unlimited creativity
What place can take a stained glass window in the interior? The range of the implementation of the stained glass. He can supplement the interior and gently enter into the environment surrounding it, or serve as a dominant accent in the composition of the place. The technique of creation of stained glass «Tiffany» allows you to implement the most daring ideas. You can easily list 10 options. The stained -glass windows can be a slight splash when decorating windows and doors (input, interior and wings of different cabinets and cabinets). A fairly ordinary option is stained glass glazing, at the moment it is also often found in personal interiors. A multi -level ceiling with a stained glass looks very interesting. A unique interior detail will be a decorative screen with stained glass inserts. With the help of stained glass compositions, various interior partitions and wall niches are drawn up. Tiffany technique also make real paintings that can be outweighed dependent on the mood of the owner of the house. Everyone, perhaps, are familiar with the lampshades of «Tiffany». In this technology, various accessories can also be performed — candlesticks, vases, frames for photos and mirrors. A stained glass countertop will look very particularly. Naturally, in this case, the stained -glass windows are located under a shock -resistant transparent glass.
The stained -glass window can be flat or huge, to have the shape of an oval, half -ovar, cone, etc.D. The color glass itself is quite strong, so there is little restrictions on the use of a stained glass. Naturally, it is impossible to infinitely increase the canvas without the use of structural partitions.
The stained -glass window only benefits from a combination with wood, stone, metal. When developing it, there may be the introduction of inlay, the connecting seams of the stained -glass windows can be «aged» using a patina. I repeat, the development of «Tiffany» opens up a wide scope for creativity.
A worthy environment
If we accept the statement that the Tiffany stained glass is an art of art, then the framing for it should be worthy. And we are talking not only about a chic frame, and about the interior in general. Tiffany stained glass is suitable for almost any (both in style and in area) room. The stained-glass window, made in high-tech style, harmonizes with metal, glass, clay tiles, mosaic. To him «to the face» the dominance of direct lines, contrasting combinations. The stained -glass window is ordinary or made in the modern style, necessarily involves a tree of valuable breeds. After all, the stained glass of «Tiffany» is his own jewel, and he asks for a more worthy environment.
From my practice, I can say that people who are gravitating to the classics are still more. This is a feature of our mind warehouse. We are not entirely ready to bring modern high-tech compositions to our interior. Most of us have a craving for a thorough, classical style.
Stained glass is a purely ordinary part. Its capabilities in the modern interior have not yet been exhausted. He is able to enrich the atmosphere surrounding us, to discover great space for the artist’s work and the perception of the audience.
What should be the interior to become a worthy framing of the stained glass? It should be competent based on the beliefs of the design decision and benign based on the beliefs of the characteristics of the materials used. Beauty is still a personal concept, color scheme, stylistics, individual details-all this is selected individually. But there is the concept of the concept and harmony of the interior. Когда интерьер имеет интереснейшую концепцию, «вплавлять» в него витраж, отыскивать неординарные сочетания и неожиданные сюжеты тоже интересно. Когда же весь интерьер фактически рассыпается на отдельные, не связанные меж собой составляющие, витраж ни чем не может помочь. This is a very fragile matter to tie such a differently together. If the interior is solved tasteless, nothing will help: neither the picture nor the stained glass. After all, the creator of the stained glass must be pushed away from something, if not very unusual, then, at least, a competent design decision.
At the moment we are watching an interior boom. But I would like to warn the owners of apartments and houses from excessive decoration. Everything needs a sense of proportion.
So the stained glass is born
When we are talking about stained glass in the interior, it is principle to note that the path of its creation differs from the birth of an independent object of art. In our case, the painter just must study the interior in which the stained glass window will be entered. In the artist’s sample, you need to attract the design of the design of the room. It also seems to me a successful option when the designer first lay a stained glass in his project, specially plans niches, gaps in the doors and on the facade. And later, the painter begins work on the sketch, taking into account the previously developed concept of the interior.
But it happens differently. For example, a rather harmonic interior has been created, maybe they already live in it for a while, but with all this a person feels that something is missing. And then he invites me. And I, in turn, try to find a solution that would enrich the interior, would become a ending stroke. Then the interior begins to come to life, play with new colors.
Be sure, in any art there are traditional motives and plots, for Tiffany these are stylized plant ornaments. But the modern stained glass «Tiffany» endlessly expanded its boundaries! This is a wonderful site for creativity. There may be an unexpected combination of surfaces, and textures, and compositions embodied in glass. Therefore, it is difficult for me to choose a “favorite” plot for embodiment in the stained glass, and I do not want to get hung up at certain techniques and always try to do something personal. Each interior needs its own approach. This is an interesting and complex process.
So we have the idea of a stained glass. The next fundamental step is the selection of glass. It is very principle to choose glasses in color, do not leave for variegation. It is necessary to inhibit certain combinations, intersperses that will make the work of art from the stained glass, and not just a set of colored glasses. Be sure, you need to take into account the functional separation of a house or apartment. So, a screaming bright stained glass is not a place in the bedroom or rest room. And on the contrary, if there is a desire to enrich the interior, say, a dining room or living room, you can arrange a bright stained glass composition here.
For the production of the stained glass, English and American special stained glass is used. The process of its production abroad has long been mastered and has been improving for centuries. The palette of colors and textures is extensive and constantly updated. And from time to time there are so unique glass that they can actually be inserted into the frame — they are a self -sufficient work of art.
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